Monday 4 June 2012


So a bad headache and exhaustion meant I didn't make it to the allotment on Saturday, but Baz went and made a structure for the raspberries. We both went up yesterday (Sunday), me arriving quite late 'cos I got up so late, not falling asleep till gone 5am the night before. Oops.

So yesterday I spent a bit too long going over one of the beds- the one that Mike and Suzanne helped me to dig originally a while back. It's 'potatoes and curcubits' on the rotation plan, and currently has potatoes (a few random ones which Baz discovered which had come up from last year and he moved them here), 'Sam's squash', and some courgettes. I turned over the unoccupied parts and pulled out heaps of stones and bits of old carpet. It was both time-consuming and satisfying. Also took out all the weeds. I added a couple more squash plants and put up a wind shield. It was pretty windy yesterday, so those late May winds obviously hadn't quite finished doing their thing, even though yes I know it's June. Which is weird in itself, but let's not get into the passing of time and my inability to comprehend the months being sucked away.

Above is one of the new squash plants. Hope they survive ok as I didn't harden them off at all. The other ones seem to be doing ok and I didn't do it with them either. I forgot to be honest.

I had to take a picture of one of the cauliflowers starting to show!!! I am pretty proud of the caulis 'cos I started them all off in the polytunnel from seed and loads of them survived despite me not thinning them out when I should have and them wilting and nearly dying when we had that really hot spell, and here they are, so far so good!! I hope they don't get attacked by any insects. They're all under netting at the moment, so hopefully this will help.

Baz has been busy extending the beds with the wood we bought recently. He's now brought them down as far as they are going to go, we just need to do a couple more, then they will be finished.

I'll leave you with a picture of the first sweet peas I picked this year. Beautiful! xx

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