Sunday 7 October 2012

Just spent a couple of hours at the plot.

We harvested quite a bit today-

We finally got some red chillies, so picked one of those today, a few raspberries, two tomatoes, loads of French beans, cucumber, salad leaves, chard, and lots of spuds, plus one of the squashes, which we picked last week, but hadn't brought any home till now.

I took a photo of each of the beds, so here they are starting at the top left and going down to the shed-

Above and below you can see the green manure starting to show.

 Above are the raspberries.
 Above are the Jerusalem artichokes.

Above- French beans, which I made a support for today. Besides the cucumbers, these are the best crop this year.

 Above- I always forget what these are, but I think they are Brussel sprouts.....?

I am SO excited that after all the blight and other things going wrong with the 25 tomato plants I started earlier in the year, today I picked the first, edible, actually delicious, tomatoes!!! Me, Baz and Fern each had one and a third tomatoes with our dinner. Here are the rest-

Here are the chillies and cucumbers in the polytunnel-

I will leave you with a few more pics, oh, we decided on a great idea today for the herbs, I thought it would be cool to have them in a circular-y bed, so we decided on an eight shape, and Baz started to prepare the area. Oh and we also changed the plan slightly so that we're going to move the compost down towards the shed and put the fruit trees near the polytunnel, with the herbs going in between.