Saturday 9 February 2013

Seedy Sunday and James Wong

This Sunday me and Baz went along to Seedy Sunday in Brighton. This year it was held at the Corn Exchange, in the North Laine. We went two years ago, when it was at Hove Town Hall. It was £3 each to get in (£5 for adults, £3 for concessions). We both had a little moan about having to pay to get in, but I guess hiring this venue doesn't come cheap. There were loads of stalls ranging from the ever-present RSPB stall, to a stall selling mushroom logs, to a stall about the Bevendean community pub. 

Due to a slightly late start to the day, we missed the beginning of Seedy Sunday and therefore also missed the first couple of talks. We did, however, make it to the last two. These were, 'Saving seeds from corporate control' by Patrick Mulvaney and one by James Wong, the TV presenter and botanist. The first of these was ok but a bit dry in its content. It was a lot of statistics and information, for example on how the large multi-nationals are monopolising the world's production of certain crops. When a choir started up in the hall next to the room we were in, I did start to wish I was watching them instead. 

The second talk we attended was brilliant!! Here is James Wong in action:-

When I had previously seen him on TV, I found him a bit annoying, but I found his talk to be really interesting and I made lots of notes on different things he suggested we could be growing in the UK instead of the 20 or so things which all the books give advice on. be continued...

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