Thursday 28 April 2011


So seeing as our potatoes are desperately seeking soil and I am desperately seeking my mental and physical well-being, the decision was made to stop waiting until we got some sort of compensation from the council and just go ahead and choose a plot.

So I called the site rep and organised to meet him. I took Mum as moral support (Baz was at work) and I was shown only two plots, even though when you walk around the site there are so many that are obviously not being worked and obviously belong to the site rep's cousin or the Mayor's step-niece or whatever, anyway, they were two we had already seen, so I went for the one that was a lot more quirky and surrounded by oracle-like tenants and had a water tap right opposite and was closer to the entrance. Do not ask me why but this was important to me!! Lazy or what?!

We have been told that we can have two half plots instead of the normal one, which I'm not sure whether we will be able to maintain, but we're going to try and if it's too much work then we can just give it up any time.

I am soooooooooooo excited to have an allotment again, I have been up there yesterday with Baz and today with Mum and her friend. I've already tidied the shed- yes there's a shed although is a shed still a shed if it has tarpaulin for a roof?- and sown some flower seeds into a pot. I've tried to enlist the help of everyone and anyone I know around Brighton to come and help me and Baz this Saturday as we need to get ready asap for them to come and rotivate.

Here's some pics of our new lottie:

Ok the last one isn't of the lottie, but some of these flowers are from it... the bluebells, clover, and a few others which I don't know the names of...

Love and sunshine xxxx


  1. That looks so amazing. I bet your allotment will be glad of some Steph loving, I hope you time in it will be restoring. I have been working outside in nature lots recently and its been 'good for the soul'I hope it is the same for you, lots of love Kristy x

  2. if only it was a tarpaulin roof - it's more like a giant bin bag!

  3. looks good, just needs a little work! enjoy lottie 2.0, looking forward to trying some of your veggies next time i'm back...

  4. Beautiful pictures! Sorry I can't help out this weekend. We're away tonight back on Monday. Enjoy Queen's Park festi. (ps. no class on Monday) x

  5. Oh those flowers at the end are beautiful. I think you'll get alot of enjoyment out of the allotments, I'm sure we're all expecting a personally-grown salad at sometime :]
