Saturday 30 April 2011

First proper day at no. 75


Well what a really great day we had yesterday at the new plot. Managed to enlist the help of some family and friends, and they were all amazing and we got so much done.

My sister Tiff and her boyfriend Dom came, as did Leia, Suzanne and Carlos at various points during the day. Me and Leia cleared all the rubbish from around the plot and made some piles of things like all the wood, tiles, landfill (hardly any), composting stuff etc. We also cleared the area behind the shed, which I forgot to take a picture of...but it looked great once we had done it. It's now full of chopped down conifer, which Dom did, and in the process he discovered a rose plant, which looked so strange as it had come to life at the top of a really tall stem which had worked its way up to the sunlight at the top of the conifer. Can't remember now what he did with it but he was going to try and bring it down and replant it?

Tiff did a great job on a strawberry bed, don't worry I won't tell anyone how scared you were Tiff of all the bugs...oops I just did... Woodlice are your friends!!

Suzanne, Tiff and I had this 45 minute tour of our neighbour's plot, though to call it a plot is misleading because he has triple the size of ours, and ours is double!!! His name is Andy and he is an incredible guy. He grows every type of vegetable and fruit you can imagine, and the funny thing is he doesn't eat any of it, bar the courgettes, and he just has people come up and harvest anything they want. His shed is amazing, it is like a really cool living room in the form of a shed, complete with I'm not sure what it's called but like a log burner I think, and sofa bed and everything. I think he must sleep over in it quite a lot. He has a seagull called Henry I think, who he feeds and has had coming for years. He is the oracle of the site as far as I am concerned, and I think as far as everyone else is concerned too.

We have changed our original plan which was to rotovate (learnt how to spell that properly, I am a spelling freak and hate to spell things wrong so was disturbed to find out that I had been spelling it rot-i-vate...tut tut) most of the plot, having spoken to a few of our neighbours who said if it was them they wouldn't do it, for various reasons including that it can greatly increase how many weeds you have, dries out the soil and plus actually there are loads of beds that have been worked on as recently as last year, and had few weeds in because all the (bloomin') carpet the previous tenant laid down everywhere!!

Here are some pics anyway.
Oh yeh we came away with:
-chard, 2 types
-one beetroot
-sheesh loads of mint


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