Wednesday 22 June 2011

Summer Solstice

Here are some pics of how the allotment was looking on the longest day of the year (yesterday). Unfortunately neither me nor Baz had been to the allotment for a couple of weeks. This was as a result of Baz working and studying loads for an exam (with the OU), me lacking motivation and confidence to go on my own (yes I know it sounds silly but it's true...), and both of us visiting friends and family in Stoke over the weekend. But we went yesterday anyway and Baz reckoned things weren't as bad as he had expected. Me, I don't know, I was so caught up in feeling like crap and being self-absorbed in my own troubles and woes that I'm not sure either way. But it was nice to be there, despite all my silly, pointless worrying.

Ok depressing-ness over..... of all the things we've put in the ground since we got the allotment at the end of April, it seems that some veg are doing really well whilst others, well, are not.

The onion, garlic, potatoes, dwarf beans, squash, chard, some of the carrots, raspberries and strawberries are all alive and well. However, as for the rest, they've either not come up or been eaten by various critters. The rocket and cabbage had been totally munched down to a few sad-looking stalks, and a few other things we weren't sure whether they had shown then been eaten or not come up at all. Partly our fault I guess for not being there, but I wonder whether they would have got eaten anyway?

Well anyway it's all a learning curve and we're at the very beginning of the curve, so we've got plenty of time to learn.  The raspberries we picked didn't make it home in solid form being as they were in Baz's bike basket, so Baz mixed them with the four strawberries and a banana, and we had them in liquid form. Yum. You could taste the goodness.

Now that Baz isn't studying so much and hopefully now that I can motivate myself to go a bit more, we should be able to put more time in. Oh there are cherries on the tree at the bottom of the plot, which look lovely. I'm not sure if we will get our hands on any before the birds get to them?


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