Saturday 4 June 2011

Is it really June already?

Can't believe we're in June.... But that's how that time thing works, especially when you're consumed with things like having an anxiety disorder and depression and trying to get through each day, somehow you wake up one day and realise you sort of weren't really here for the last six months.

So I didn't go to that physic garden I was talking about as it was closed, but am looking forward to visiting it the next time I venture north.

Was at the allotment yesterday, which involved weeding and digging for me and watering and bbq making for Baz. It really is looking so good at the moment, so alive with things growing and as I was feeling a bit more clear headed than usual, I could actually see it in all it's new glory. Wish I could have said Morning Glory, but I think we've accidentally killed off the ones Mum gave us. Oops.

Oh yeh I also put in some squash and pumpkin, totally forgot to take a picture, but they were given to us by Andy next door. The bed I put them in took so bloody long to dig as the ground is like concrete what with all the no rain and everything.

Yeh so Mum gave us a bbq which Baz put together, and I'm really excited about having summer bbqs. . . mmm sausages. . . mmm fry's burgers. . . mmm food.

Mum's also given us a reel of hose piping she didn't use anymore which is great.

No more exciting news but will post some pictures later and update on what we get up to today.

Adios amigos xxxx

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