Sunday 22 May 2011


Well I'm still far far away in Warden Land, but have had an update from Baz on the phone.

Baz has put in some rocket and mizuna which makes up for the fact that he forgot to put in some more lettuce and carrot seed into the bed I did a couple of weeks back. I forgive him as he was hungover and probably missing me so much he couldn't think straight. He has had a chat with Dave on the next plot and they've loosely planned to sort out the fencing and growth running between our plots in the autumn some time, so that's good. We found out that Andy used to have our plot about 12 years ago, but he gave it up. Baz also got some wise words about the weather, how it's changing (ie over the years, not day to day!), and something about a south-westerly wind at the end of May.

I'm heading back to Brighton today so I'll be visiting the allotment some time this week, yay!

I'm going to a physic garden this morning with my brother, sister-in-law and niece, check it if you want - - which will be full of medicinal herbs, which is exciting, I'm really into the idea of growing herbs for medicinal purposes. I've put some echinacea seeds into a pot already, but I'm not convinced it's going to work as I think you're supposed to start them off inside... Anyway, I would love at some point to grow some things like chamomile, evening primrose, valerian, and heaps of other stuff which I don't even know about. I'll probably post some pics this week of it.

So it has been so lovely to get away from the bubble that is Brighton (and Hove) and get into the countryside and away from shops and people and buses and pollution and streetlights and rubbish and noise and neighbours having parties until 5 in the morning and all the junk I still need to sort out in our flat. But best of all I have got to hang out with my gorgeous nephew and niece and sister-in-law and big brother. Oh and Beaston the cat.  The only crappy thing is that my littlest sister is in hospital at the moment so I have been worrying about her a little, but I know she will be fine and she has my Mum and sisters there with her, and besides she's being waited on like a Greek goddess which is totally her idea of heaven! But seriously though, I'm sending her lots and lots of get well hugs and hoping she can come out of hospital today.



  1. I'm still gutted that we didn't get to go to that physic garden. :( I'm thinking we'll go there soon and check it out and then go again the next time you're up (and it's open!). I finally got the runner beans, courgette, aubergine, and pumpkins into the ground after L & V were in bed the other night. The pumpkins are looking a bit poorly and it's not stopped raining for days. It's half-term and we can't play in the sand pit because of all the rain! Oh well...maybe the sun will come out tomorrow! Hope you're well. x

  2. wow, we haven't had any rain at all for ages, how funny. yes definitely want to go next time I'm up there to that place. that's cool you managed to get loads of veg in the ground. we got given some pumpkin and squash today so I've put them in now xx
