Monday 16 July 2012


Well I think the highlight of the weekend trip to lotty must have been the potatoes Baz dug up. Here they are in all their spud-like glory...

And here is Baz unearthing them...

Baz cooked them for our dinner, with some mint we pinched from Andy's plot, and they were delish.

Neither of us could really be bothered yesterday so we just did the bare minimum before heading home to play Operation Flashpoint (Baz) and watch The Big Bang Theory (me). Which are equally as important as growing veg, obviously.

Here are some pics of our onions:

I'm not certain but I don't think the onions should be flowering, does this mean they have bolted??

We dug up a couple of the biggest white onions yesterday, so once they have dried out, we'll use them in some yummy dish.

I said in the last post that I would take some pics of the flowers we currently have, so voila:

Above are the sweet peas we grew from seed.

And these are the butterfly wild flower mix.

The 'Sam cucumbers' had their biggest growth yet this week, they've gone from about an inch big to about 8" big, which was pretty exciting. Yes. Other things we have in the polytunnel-
- tomatoes- only one plant really which is looking vaguely the right size, fingers crossed some tomatoes will come through soon!
- chillis- the slugs are still chomping away on the leaves...completely decimating one of them
- basil- discovered I might have accidentally 'weeded' the new seedlings that were coming through, as I didn't realise Baz had sown some more seeds...Oops.
- chives- these are doing well
- some other seedlings are coming through, Baz sowed these so not sure what they are

The 'Sam squash', the two that survived, seem to be doing well, but not sure if they will grow enough. Not sure if they should be bigger by now? The two courgette plants are also doing ok, but no actual courgettes yet and by looking at both our neighbours' plants, there should probably be some by now. But maybe we'll just get a few small ones which would be better than nothing.

The runner beans are all doing ok, I spotted the first bean just now in a photograph (failed to spot it yesterday)-

I planted out a sunflower plant in the week, but Baz told me yesterday I need to give it some support because of the wind, so I tied it to a bamboo cane. This is one I grew from an Innocent seed Mum gave me.

Ok well that's all for now folks.

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