Tuesday 30 November 2010

Starlings, snow and ancient arrowheads


So I am so exhausted after another busy day of chores and going to the allotment and cooking and having dinner and a lovely evening with my friend G, and I am forcing myself to update the blog because I for one can't handle another backlog of unposted posts, and you for two can't handle reading such a long post.  I know because B just said "No I didn't read your latest one, it was too long."

So today despite all my good intentions of spending a whole day up at the allotment, it turned out to only be an hour and half, but a great hour and a half it was.  This is what the bed that I was working on looked like before I disrupted it:

And you can see the sprinkling of snow that we had in Hove. Not much, nothing compared to what my bro and sis-in-law in Northumberland have had, but it's snow nonetheless and you've got to love snow.  Well no you don't have to, but anyway I do.  This is what it looked like  by the time I left at 435pm:

Since at some point we are going to extend the bed pretty much up to the path, I thought I would do a bit of that today, and it made a change from digging.  So I dug up the 'turf' as me and B have been calling it but it's not exactly turf, but a layer of grass type stuff, lots of roots and a little bit of soil, though I was trying to keep as much soil in the ground as possible.  We've got a whole load of this 'turf' now at the bottom of the 'lotment which at some point we'll have to sort out. 

The sky was really pretty when I took this photo, but you can't quite appreciate the lovelyness of it.

So anyway it was deserted up at the allotments today.  Where I normally see at least a few people, today I saw only one other lone soul right off in the distance when I first arrived.  This was probably mostly because it was snowing today, and was bloomin' freezing, but also I guess partly because it's winter and also because most people aren't toodling around on a Tuesday afternoon, they're more likely earning a bit of bread.  Oh something really cool happened today.  I was walking to the top of the allotment to look for something to use as a semi-permanent border, and as I was just turning around to head back to the bed, all of a sudden this almighty noise came out of nowhere and for a second it scared me as I couldn't work out what it was.  Then I looked up and saw a flock of starlings flying right over my head and off towards the piers which I imagined was where they were destined for, but who knows.  If you've ever stood on the palace pier in town, or anywhere that starlings do their magical thing, then you'll know the incredible feeling of standing underneath hundreds of these sweet birds, all in unison and seemingly flying for some greater cause, but somehow at the same time it's as if they're performing just for you. 

I can't believe that I forgot to tell you yesterday about the ancient arrowheads I found last week!!! Here they are:

Ok so I know they're not really ancient artefacts from a forgotten past, but it's kinda cool to pretend when you're endlessly digging up stones.  I was starting to think today, as I was adding yet another stone to the collection I now have in a bucket as I dig the soil, that I would probably really liked to have been an archeologist.  Except that I did say to B the other day as I unearthed the arrowheads, "Oh sod all that brushing, look I'm doing it with a spade!" I don't think I quite appreciate the delicacy and laboriousness of the job. And plus I'm quite impatient.  No I don't think it would work.

Ok well, I'm still as tired as I was when I started this post and I am planning on getting up early and spending a lot longer at the allotment tomorrow, so I should go and get my sleep.  Hasta la vista xx

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